Migration from Meetup.com to website

Hi, everyone,

Meetup announced in June that they'll be raising their subscription prices 50%* ($300 annual) or 79%* ($179 semi annual) beginning with the next scheduled payment. For TCJC that's Oct 10, 2024. We talked to people at meetups and decided that this was too much for us to pay so we're going to try to migrate everyone over to our website at . Thank you to all who have donated to our meetup costs in the past. We appreciate you!

If you haven't already, you may create an account on our website at . Nobody has to but if I remove you from the Discord server for inactivity or because I can't remember who you are, the website will be the way to get back in since we will be shutting down our meetup page before Oct 10, 2024. That means everyone has about 30 days before the meetup page is shut down.

We've already begun testing with Organizers. After fixing a major glitch, everything seems okay. If you have any questions or if you receive an error message because spammers abused the username you want, please contact me or use a different username that doesn't trip the spam detectors installed on the site.

When you create an account, I receive an email about it. I'll approve your account as quickly as I can.




*edited to show correct math
